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Author of over 20 books, Dr. Louis Hoffman is an avid writer, thought-leader, and accomplished psychologist and poet. You can find his latest work and books below.

In addition to his books, Dr. Hoffman has published over 100 journal articles,
 book chapters, and encyclopedia entries as well as over 100 professional conference presentations. A number of his papers are available through and ResearchGate. You may also see a number of his video lectures on his Youtube Channel

Academia & Poetry

By Dr. Louis Hoffman

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The APA Handbook of Humanistic & Existential Psychology (2 Volumes)

The 2-volume APA Handbook of Humanistic and Existential Psychology provides a comprehensive overview of the rich history, diverse theoretical perspectives, clinical and social applications, and important emerging issues and directions in the field.

The 61 chapters in this Handbook comprise a broad spectrum of coverage from the earliest foundations of humanistic and existential psychology to exciting future developments, including in-depth discussion of:

  • important theorists upon whose work the field was built and developed;

  • aspects of human nature and existence, including creativity, freedom, social connectedness, authenticity, meaning making, and self-actualization;

  • the relationship of humanistic and existential psychology to other approaches, such as positive psychology, community psychology, and liberation psychology; and

  • multiculturalism, diversity, and social justice in relation to practice, research, and theoretical development within humanistic and existential psychology


This Handbook is both a map of the current landscape of humanistic and existential psychology and a guide to where the field is headed. Researchers, practitioners, and students in psychology and related fields will learn how to incorporate a broad array of theoretical approaches; use quantitative, qualitative, and participatory methodologies; and apply the principles of humanistic and existential psychology to their practice, scholarship, and social advocacy.

The Evidence-Based Foundations of Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy 

This comprehensive volume aligns existential-humanistic therapy with three pillars of evidence-based practice in psychology (EBPP): research evidence, clinical experience, and client characteristics. The editors have gathered a set of expert psychologists to compile multiple lines of evidence to demonstrate how existential and humanistic approaches to therapy can just be just as effective if not more so in some contexts, as other evidence-based approaches. They also highlight important multicultural considerations, as well as highlight gaps that can be filled by future research. Chapters detail the key foundations and principles of EHT, including therapeutic presence, empathy, authenticity, therapist self-disclosure, here-and-now work, and the self within the therapeutic context. Integrative strategies including mindfulness, art therapy, experiential therapy, and equine-assisted therapy are also reviewed to demonstrate the effectiveness of specific EHT modalities that combine these foundational elements. 

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Case Formulation in Existential-Humanistic Therapy

The authors have developed a flexible template that prioritizes general principles and client collaboration over scripted procedures or techniques. It emphasizes EH therapy’s dynamic, creative approach while offering a structure that makes EH therapy easy to learn for students and to help practitioners meet insurance needs and to operate within regimented treatment settings.

Each section of the case formulation template is detailed in its own chapter. These chapters cover: 

  • holistic narratives of the client’s background and experiences; 

  • techniques for identifying the client’s concern/problem, putting the client’s perspective and systemic issues ahead of the diagnostic process; 

  • the theoretical aspects of case formulation, emphasizing important factors like the client’s strengths and resources, biopsychosocial influences, and existential challenges; and 

  • treatment planning based on the client’s evolving needs and goals. 


A recurring case example illustrates how to fill out each of these sections and is supplemented by other case examples.

Eros & Psyche: Existential Perspectives on Sexuality (Volume 1: Philosophical & Theoretical Perspectives

Human beings are sexual beings. While this is an existential reality, the way individuals relate to sexuality—their own and the sexuality of others—varies significantly. In our contemporary world, understanding what it means to be sexual beings is ever-evolving. Eros and Psyche is an in-depth encounter with sexuality through diverse existential perspectives. In this 2-volume series, many leaders in the existential field explore topics including how Heidegger and Foucault could reinvigorate your sex life, sexuality and the arts, finding God in the bedroom, and working with sexual attraction in psychotherapy. Eros and Psyche is essential reading for existential scholars, researchers, and therapists. Volume 1 of Eros and Psyche focuses on philosophical and theoretical perspectives with chapters by Heidi Levitt, Zenobia Morrill, Brent Dean Robbins, Stanley Krippner, Sara K. Bridges, Digby Tantum, and more.

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Eros & Psyche: Existential Perspectives on Sexuality (Volume 2: Spiritual & Clinical Perspectives)

Human beings are sexual beings. While this is an existential reality, the way individuals relate to sexuality—their own and the sexuality of others—varies significantly. In our contemporary world, understanding what it means to be sexual beings is ever-evolving. Eros and Psyche is an in-depth encounter with sexuality through diverse existential perspectives. In this 2-volume series, many leaders in the existential field explore topics including how Heidegger and Foucault could reinvigorate your sex life, sexuality and the arts, finding God in the bedroom, and working with sexual attraction in psychotherapy. Eros and Psyche is essential reading for existential scholars, researchers, and therapists. Volume 2 focuses on clinical and spiritual perspectives with chapters by Tom Pyszczynski, Peggy Kleinplatz, Susi Ferrarello, Nisha Gupta, Steve Simpson, Louis Hoffman, Melissa Racho, and others.

Becoming An Existential-Humanistic Therapist: Narratives From The Journey

In Becoming an Existential-Humanistic Therapist, editors Julia Falk and Louis Hoffman have collected the stories of 11 influential existential-humanistic therapists, including Kirk Schneider, Lisa Xochitl Vallejos, Ed Mendelowitz, Katerina Zymnis, Mark Yang, Myrtle Heery, Nathaniel Granger, Orah Krug, Xuefu Wang, Kathleen Galvin, and Shawn Rubin. As these prominent leaders share their stories of becoming, they also consider what it means to be an existential-humanistic therapist and their vision for the future of this school of psychotherapy.


Humanistic Approaches to Multiculturalism and Diversity: Perspectives on Existence and Difference

Providing an overview of essential topics in multicultural psychology, Humanistic Approaches to Multiculturalism and Diversity focuses on the intersection of humanistic psychology and multiculturalism, including history, theory, research, and practice.


The authors examine the unique contributions of humanistic psychology to multicultural psychology on topics often ignored, such as cultural empathy and indigenous psychology and diversity. The book critiques and rectifies previous failures to adequately engage multicultural issues by providing methods for integrating multicultural psychology and humanistic therapy. Readers will find that each chapter advances scholarship through a dialogue with multicultural perspectives and builds a foundation for future scholarship and clinical practice.


Silent Screams: Poetic Journeys Through Addiction and Recovery

Silent Screams: Poetic Journeys Through Addiction and Recovery is a powerful collection of poetry for anyone who has experienced addiction or had a loved one trapped in its throes. The contributors from this volume courageously share their journeys with addiction, including pain, suffering, and loss. Granger and Hoffman have collected a masterful collection of accessible poems and provided a framework for understanding how poetry can be part of the healing journey. Though some wounds never fully heal, this book will help readers continue their journey toward healing and growth.


Stay Awhile: Poetic Narratives on Multiculturalism and Diversity

The struggle to understand our differences is real! Likewise, "real" is the stirring collection of poems in Stay Awhile: Poetic Narratives on Multiculturalism and Diversity that enlightens, enlivens, and entertains. As Hoffman and Granger so eloquently state in their introduction, poetry is a sacred healing art that has been shared across many cultures throughout history.


It is in this sharing that empathy is fostered, the struggle to understand our differences assuaged, and we appreciate how such a collection of poems bears witness to our shared humanity. Although Stay Awhile is a beautiful collection for personal enjoyment, reflection, and growth, from the Introduction, which serves to frame many of the lessons emergent from the poems, and the Appendix, which contains several activities to help utilize the poems, this book of poetry has immense efficacy in classrooms and group discussions. For those who choose to read and "stay awhile" with this collection, they are certain to be touched through the honest and thoughtful portrayals represented in each poem.

Rising Voices: Poems Toward A Social Justice Revolution

Poetry and art can—and should—change the world. Rising Voices: Poetry Toward a Social Justice Revolution forcefully demonstrates this truth. With 77 poems from 45 poets, Rising Voices addresses critical social justice issues of our time, including racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, homelessness, and more. Each topic is approached with sensitivity and insight, strength and compassion. Readers will be provoked to reflection, tears, and action. 


Rising Voices seeks to comfort, support, and empower those engaged in social justice work while inspiring others to join the movements. This volume includes poems by TS Hawkins, Frederick K. Foote, Jr., Red Haircrow, Aliya J’anai, J. Thomas Brown, Venita Thomas, Carol Barrett, Nathaniel Granger, Jr., Veronica Lac, Louis Hoffman, and more.


In addition to the poems, Rising Voices includes a powerful introduction that frames the poetry of the volume through covering topics such as Critical Race Theory, counter-stories, the role of empathy, transforming suffering through meaning, the hard and soft edges of social justice, and more. At the conclusion, several activities are included to help readers reflect upon how they can use their own poetry and the poetry of others to participate in the social justice revolution. 


Shadows & Light (Volume 1: Principles and Practices): Theory, Research, and Practice in Transpersonal Psychology 

Shadows & Light: Theory, Research, and Practice in Transpersonal Psychology is a groundbreaking 2-volume series updating many essential topics in transpersonal psychology. It builds upon traditional topics to cover vital contemporary transpersonal psychological issues ranging from mindfulness and spirituality through social justice and sexuality. The range of contributors is broad, diverse, and inclusive and will bring the reader on many inward and outward journeys of human growth and potential.

Volume I is written is a traditional educational style with additional chapters covering cross cultural psychology, ecopsychology, finding one's voice, the evidence based foundation of transpersonal practice, ritual, and much more. This volume includes chapters by established leaders such as Stanley Krippner, John Davis, Dan Hocoy, Pat Luce and Robert Schmidt as well as fresh voices with new perspectives on transpersonal psychology. The chapters are readable and personal, yet well researched and scholarly. These volumes are destined to become seminal texts in the field.


Shadows & Light (Volume 2: Talks and Reflections): Theory, Research, and Practice in Transpersonal Psychology

Shadows & Light: Theory, Research, and Practice in Transpersonal Psychology is a groundbreaking 2-volume series covering many essential topics in transpersonal psychology. Shadows & Light (Vol 2) builds on the tradition of transpersonal psychology to cover vital contemporary psychological topics ranging from mindfulness, creativity, compassion, and the real world application of the integration of spirituality and psychology, The range of topics and contributors is broad, diverse, and inclusive and will bring the reader on many inward and outward journeys of human growth and potential.

This collection contains talks and reflection pieces that are enjoyable and fascinating in the immediacy of the authors' voices and their messages for the individual and the collective. A wonderful selection of pieces by established leaders such as Charlie Tart, angel Kyodo williams, Judy Lief, and Roger Walsh as well as influential emergent scholars such as Ian Wickramesekera II, Dan Hocoy, and Louis Hoffman. These volumes are destined to become a classic text in the field.


Brilliant Sanity (Vol. 1; Revised & Expanded Edition): Buddhist Approaches to Psychotherapy and Counseling

Brilliant Sanity: Buddhist Approaches to Psychotherapy and Counseling (Volume 1: Revised and Expanded Edition) brings together influential scholars and practitioners who have studied and practiced at the intersection of Buddhism, psychotherapy, and counseling, including Karen Wegela, Mark Epstein, Han F. de Wit, Ed Podvoll, Jeff Fortuna, Robert Walker, Farrell Silverberg, Chuck Knapp, Dale Asreal, and others. Brilliant Sanity draws particularly from the Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhist traditions that emphasize the importance of individuals being of benefit to others and the world. This revised and expanded edition comes 13-years after the release of the widely successful first edition and includes four new chapters. The majority of the original chapters have been updated drawing upon advances in theory and research. In this new volume, increased attention is given to multicultural and social justice perspectives as well. The introduction and 24 chapters in this new edition are essential reading for students and experienced practitioners interested in Buddhist psychotherapy and counseling.
This collection contains talks and reflection pieces that are enjoyable and fascinating in the immediacy of the authors' voices and their messages for the individual and the collective. A wonderful selection of pieces by established leaders such as Charlie Tart, angel Kyodo williams, Judy Lief, and Roger Walsh as well as influential emergent scholars such as Ian Wickramesekera II, Dan Hocoy, and Louis Hoffman. These volumes are destined to become a classic text in the field.

Existential Psychology East-West (Volume 1 - Revised & Expanded Edition)


Existential Psychology East-West is a collection of chapters exploring existential psychology in a cross-cultural context. The original version was published in preparation for the First International Conference on Existential Psychology held in Nanjing, China in 2010. This revised and expanded edition includes several updated chapters as well as four new chapters. The book consists of three sections. The first section provides an introduction to existential-humanistic psychotherapy along with a case illustration. Section two contains 13 chapters from Eastern and Western scholars exploring the theory of existential psychology. The third section contains 10 chapters building from Rollo May's work on myth. Each chapter explores the existential themes of a myth embedded within a particular cultural context. The book concludes with an Annotated Bibliography of important works in existential psychology. Existential Psychology East-Westis an important contribution to the field with many influential Eastern and Western scholars including Kirk Schneider, Xuefu Wang, Ilene Serlin, Mark Yang, Ed Mendelowitz, Heyong Shen, Erik Craig, Myrtle Heery, Alan G. Vaughan, Louis Hoffman, and Nathaniel Granger, Jr.


Existential Psychology East-West (Volume 2)

Existential-Psychology East-West (Volume 2) emerged from continued dialogues on existential psychology, particularly existential-humanistic psychology, in Southeast Asia. This volume includes authors from Southeast Asia, India, Africa, Europe, and the United States, including Xuefu Wang, Louise Sundararajan, Mark Yang, Louis Hoffman, Al Dueck, Albert Chan, Donna Rockwell, Ilene Serlin, Rainbow Tin Hung Ho, Rochelle Suri, Meili Pinto, and Anthony K. Nkyi. The book is divided into three sections: 1) Theory and Practice, 2) Applications and Case Illustrations, and 3) Existential Perspectives on Cultural Myths. The first three chapter focus on Zhi Mian Therapy, an indigenous Chinese approach to existential psychology. These chapters are the most comprehensive overview of Zhi Mian Therapy in English to date. Other theory chapters include a discussion of international psychology from an existential-humanistic perspective, the concept of Sui Wu Fu Xing, men’s violence against women, Sunyata, and the concept of savoring. The second section focuses on a variety of case illustrations to illuminate the practice of existential therapy in different cultural contexts. The final section expands upon existential perspectives of myths as developed in Rollo May’s The Cry for Myth and Existential Psychology East-West (Volume 1). Seven myths from different cultural contexts are examined from an existential perspective. Along with Volume 2, Existential-Psychology East-West (Volume 2) represents a landmark contribution to the existential psychology literature.


Our Last Walk: Using Poetry for Grieving and Remembering Our Pets (Poetry, Healing, and Growth Series)

Losing a pet is a deeply painful experience, yet often misunderstood by many who see the beloved pet as "Just a pet." Our Last Walk: Using Poetry for Grieving and Remembering Our Pets is a powerful resource for those experiencing pet loss and those who are supporting others who have lost a pet. Filled with powerful, authentic poems expressing loss, Our Last Walk helps the grieving person find words for their loss while sharing in the experience of others who have traversed that same painful journey. More than a book of tears, Our Last Walk also helps people to remember their beloved pet, preserving the love and memories of relationship. Through this book, many will find encouragement, healing, and hope.

Connoisseurs of Suffering: Poetry for the Journey to Meaning (Poetry, Healing, and Growth Series)


Connoisseurs of Suffering is a powerful collection of poems exploring the potential meanings in suffering. Suffering is an inevitable part of life and, perhaps, a necessary one: if we love enough, we eventually experience loss and get hurt. The choice is not between suffering and not suffering so much as between suffering for something and suffering for nothing. The poets featured in Connoisseurs of Suffering have chosen the former path--to suffer for something--and have found meaning through the pain they endured and, in some cases, continue to endure. These poets have chosen to courageously share the wisdom and grace that has emerged from their pain.

The contributors to Connoisseurs of Suffering include award-winning poets and authors as well as psychologists and other mental health workers. The poems are powerful, provocative, and often quite raw with pain and meaning. While the poems will not alleviate your suffering, they will help you feel less alone. As Dave Elkins wisely says in the Foreword, "Life is indeed difficult but it's a whole lot better when we listen, really listen, to one another's pain... and care."


A Walk with Nature: Poetic Encounters that Nourish the Soul (Poetry, Healing, and Growth Series)

A Walk with Nature is a powerful collection of individual experiences that stand witness to the openness and wisdom of nature speaking through poetic reflections. There is pain, isolation, healing, connection, uncertainty, and hope. As intertwined as the voices are, so is our relationship with nature. This anthology encompasses many varied experiences and provides guides to a number of experiential exercises designed to support the reader in engaging with nature on a deeper, transformative level. The poems are accessible and healing. The range of poets featured in A Walk with Nature includes award-winning poets, therapists, educators, and others drawn to the power of nature. Take a walk with these gifted poets, reconnecting to your roots and returning to a place of interconnectedness, growth, and healing.This collection contains talks and reflection pieces that are enjoyable and fascinating in the immediacy of the authors' voices and their messages for the individual and the collective. A wonderful selection of pieces by established leaders such as Charlie Tart, angel Kyodo williams, Judy Lief, and Roger Walsh as well as influential emergent scholars such as Ian Wickramesekera II, Dan Hocoy, and Louis Hoffman. These volumes are destined to become a classic text in the field.

Journey of the Wounded Soul: Poetic Companions for Spiritual Struggles (Poetry, Healing, and Growth Series)

From the sacred scriptures of the world religions through contemporary times, poetry has helped individuals express and work through spiritual struggles. Journey of the Wounded Soul continues this ancient tradition in a contemporary voice. This collection of poems brings voice to spiritual struggles, seeking to create a community through poetic voice. It was written for those for whom spiritual struggles are a transitional period as well as for those for whom spiritual struggles are an intimate part of their daily spirituality. In addition to the poems, the Foreword by Thomas Moore along with the Introduction by Hoffman and Fehl provide a powerful framework for understanding and approaching spiritual struggles. Journey of the Wounded Soul offers comfort to the many who wrestle with their spirituality and those who are struggling through difficult spiritual periods.


Capturing Shadows: Poetic Encounters Along the Path of Grief and Loss (Poetry, Healing, and Growth Series)

Long before contemporary approaches to helping people face death, loss, and other life transitions, poetry was used by many cultures to assist the grieving process. Today, it remains an important healing art. Capturing Shadows is an original collection of poems about actively engaging one’s grieving and loss with a purpose. The poems were written by therapists, counselors, educators, and others who understand and have experienced the struggle of leaning into one’s pain. The introduction along with activities at the end of the book provide a guide for readers to assist them in using poems from Capturing Shadows as well as their own poems to facilitate their grieving process. Whether wanting assistance with one’s own grief and loss, a deeper understanding of the grief and loss, or a resource to help others in their journey, Capturing Shadows is a wonderful resource for all touched by death, loss, and other difficult life transitions.This collection contains talks and reflection pieces that are enjoyable and fascinating in the immediacy of the authors' voices and their messages for the individual and the collective. A wonderful selection of pieces by established leaders such as Charlie Tart, angel Kyodo williams, Judy Lief, and Roger Walsh as well as influential emergent scholars such as Ian Wickramesekera II, Dan Hocoy, and Louis Hoffman. These volumes are destined to become a classic text in the field.

Lullabies & Confessions: Poetic Explorations of Parenting Across the Lifespan (Poetry, Healing, and Growth Series)

Lullabies & Confessions is an exquisite book of poetry about parenting and being parented. This volume includes over 100 poems by 45 different poets. The contributors include award winning-poets, therapists and counselors, and parents. Lullabies & Confessions is entertaining and growth-facilitating. The 11th book in the Poetry, Healing, and Growth Series, this book is designed to help readers experience personal growth and deepen self-awareness on their own experience of parenting and being parented. Also included are several exercises to help readers engage more deeply with the poems and begin writing their own poems about the parenting experience.


God Image Handbook for Spiritual Counseling and Psychotherapy: Research, Theory, and Practice

God Image Handbook for Spiritual Counseling and Psychotherapy: Research, Theory, and Practice comprehensively discusses the psychodynamic foundation and research that contribute to the understanding of the God image, and then presents seven different theoretical and technical approaches to help those who have personal and religious problems. Case examples illustrate how the God image changes through the therapy process. The guidebook also explores future developments and the implications of race, culture, gender orientation, and economic conditions that impact the God image.


Spirituality & Psychological Health

Beginning with the early days of psychology, a tenuous relationship emerged with spirituality and religion. Recent years brought new collaborative efforts to explore the relationships between these very different fields. Spirituality and Psychological Health represents a new direction in this movement. The authors begin with an exploration of the often neglected topic of psychological development and spirituality. Building upon this foundation, a variety of important issues including evil, ethnic and religious diversity, values, and therapeutic applications are discussed. Many of the contributors to this volume have backgrounds in both psychotherapy and the spiritual/religious disciplines making this a unique contribution to the field.

Toward a Christian Clinical Psychology: The Contributions of H. Newton Malony

I have known Professor Newton Malony for more than forty years. l have great respect for the way his mind works and the wise positions he takes. He is at once stimulating and creative, historically thorough and futuristically insightful. I highly recommend any encounter with substantive material from his mind and pen.

--Neil Clark Warren, Founder and Chairman,; former dean, School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary

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